Refund Policy

At ILovePDFPlus, we offer a convenient $5 monthly subscription for our premium PDF conversion services, allowing unlimited access to our tools for converting PDFs to and from WORD, JPG, EXCEL, and PPT. Subscribers can cancel their subscription at any time.

No Refund Policy

Due to the nature of our digital services, ILovePDFPlus does not offer refunds once a subscription has been activated. We believe in giving our users the freedom to cancel their subscription at any point without any long-term commitments. However, please be advised that cancellations will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle, and no partial refunds will be provided for unused portions of the subscription period.

We encourage our users to utilize our free services before deciding to subscribe to understand the value of our offerings fully.

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please feel free to contact us.